Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. Psalm 37:5 WHAT DOES IT SAY? The text instructs us to surrender our plans to God trusting that He knows and is capable of accomplishing His will. Not only that He is capable but willing to act on behalf of those who trust Him. WHAT QUESTIONS DO I HAVE ABOUT THE TEXT? O What does it mean to commit? O How do we trust God? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? To commit is to surrender and be fully invested. This is something done with complete buy in, putting all of our eggs in one basket. Trusting God is synonymous with obedience. To trust God means to put weight on the promises of His Word and resting on it fully, not with one foot in the water. If we live a surrendered life, trusting God by obeying Him and living according to his purposes and desires we can have confidence that He will establish our path. HOW DOES IT APPLY TO ME? I’m reminded of times in my life where I followed God in half-measures...