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Psalm 34:7

Psalm 34:7
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them. 

What does it say?
o God is ever present, active and concerned with what happens in the world. 
o God loves and has made his dwelling around the people who revere Him. 
o God protects and provides for those who love Him. 

What questions do I have about the text?
o What/Who is the angel of the Lord? 
The angel of the of the Lord in the OT sometimes refers to a theophany or appearance of the pre-incarnate Messiah. However, in this context what is communicated is that the angel or messenger of the Lord is an entity that embodies the presence and authority of God. 

o What does it mean to fear Him? 
To fear God means to have a healthy understanding of His authority and power. In the same way that a person might have a healthy fear of a lion or police officer. The lion is beautiful and majestic but at the same time terrifying because of the power and authority he has to hunt and kill his prey in his domain. The police officer has the authority to pull me over when I speed and issue me a moving violation ticket but at the same time I recognize that he exists to serve and protect life. In the same way we revere the authority God has over life and death and at the same time trust in the promises He gives about His goodness and kindness. 

o How does God rescue those who fear Him? 
God is present to provide those who love Him with peace and comfort derived from the knowledge that the Creator of the Universe is always with them and He has all the resources and power to aid in any and every situation. In the context of this Psalm the Lord always hears the cries of those who seek and call out to Him, the poor in spirit. He also delivers us from the source of our troubles which may not be in the form we anticipate. Here troubles means worry or anxiety. "Saved" in this context may be translated as "help" or "be victorious" so the way that God may provided help is by giving us the opportunity to be victorious over our anxieties by trusting in the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord. 

What does it mean?
 The cares enough to be present with us. He is our hiding place and surrounds us with Himself. In the same way that Christ followers are wrapped or clothed in His righteousness so that we need not be afraid of the holy wrath of God, so too can we face the anxieties and fears of the day with confidence knowing our King and Lord is with us. All who fear God need not worry because they know that their God will rescue them. 

How does this apply to me? 
I am encouraged to know that I can face any obstacle with confidence knowing that I am not alone. When I face difficulties where my anxiety and worry threaten to overwhelm me I must remember that God has given Himself to those who fear Him. Also to remember that my God is faithful and all who put their trust in Him will not be disappointed because He always shows up. I must also remember that to be victorious doesn't mean that I ignore or escape difficulty, instead I must walk through it. I can overcome the anxiety and fear of the troubles at hand knowing that my God is with me and it is through His peace and presence that I am led into victory. 
