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Jeremiah 23:23-24

Am I a God who is near," declares the Lord,
"And not a God far off?
24 Can a person hide himself in hiding places
So that I do not see him?" declares the Lord.
"Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?" declares the Lord.

1. What does it say? Summarize the text in your own words.
a. God asserts His omnipresence and omniscience
b. God declares there is nowhere that man can hide from Him.

2. What questions do I have about what it says?
a. What motivated God to declare His omnipresence and omniscience in this context?
b. Is it possible to hide from God?
c. Why would a person hide from God? When do they hide from Him?
d. What implications does God's omnipresence have for our relationship with Him?

3. What does the text mean?
a.  God's declaration of His omnipresence and omniscience is a response to the false prophets who were misleading the people of Judah. These prophets claimed to have special knowledge from God, but their messages were often contradictory and deceptive. By asserting His own all-encompassing presence and knowledge, God exposes the fallacy of these false prophets and reaffirms His authority as the true source of revelation. God is warning the false prophets that they are held accountable for the lies they spread. They are held accountable to Him. They can not escape His justice.
b.  It is not possible to hide from an all knowing and all and ever present God.
c. People hide from God when they do not want to be held accountable for what they have done. People hide to escape God's justice. People also hide because they have been convicted in their hearts by the Spirit.
d.  The implications of God's omnipresence are profound. It means that we are never truly alone; God is always with us, aware of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This knowledge can be both comforting and challenging. It comforts us to know that we are not forsaken, but it also challenges us to live our lives in accordance with God's will.

Cultivating a deeper awareness of God's presence in our daily lives requires intentionality and discipline. We can do this by:

4. How does the text apply to me?

The text of Jeremiah 23:23-24 reminds us that we cannot hide from God. He knows everything about us, including our deepest thoughts and desires. This knowledge should not lead to fear, but rather to a sense of awe and reverence. We should be grateful that God is so intimately involved in our lives, and we should strive to live in a way that honors Him.

5. Prayer of application

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your omniscience and omnipresence. You are always with me, and you know everything about me. Help me to live in a way that honors you. May I always be mindful of your presence and seek your guidance in all that I do.

In Jesus' name,
