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2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 

What does the text say?
o If you are found in Christ then you are a new person. 
o The old way of doing this is over, there is a new currency that we operate by. 

What questions do I have about the text?
o What are the new things that come? 
o What does it mean to be in Christ? 
o How should I change if I'm in Christ?

What does it mean? 
o You can see change in a person who has committed their life to Christ. God gives us first new desires that please Him and the strength through the Holy Spirit to obey Him. 
o Followers of Jesus are found in Him because He is the perfect sacrifice and it is His completed work and righteousness that allow us access to the Father. 
o The old system or self is and must remain dead. Anything that comes from the old sinful nature must go because it has no solvency/currency in the economy of God. 
o The Spirit brings new life and transformation to the life of a believer. Nothing from the old remains because it has been put to death. 

How does it apply to me?
o Confirm your salvation by surrendering to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in your life. This only happens when we continue to put to death the desires of sinful flesh and allow the Spirit to live in our obedience to God. 
o Know that the transformation process is a process. Christ's sacrifice is complete, our death is complete but the effects of both of these are still taking place and are seen in every decision. We will be faced with the fork of obeying Christ or obeying the flesh. 


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